(818) 541-9944

About Us

Delivering A Balanced Ecosystem

Founded in 1999 by Dominic Carone, So-Cal Ponds Inc. originated from a passion for aquascapes, sparked by a transformative conversation about pond building. Dominic, a lifelong enthusiast of water features, fish, and gardening, initially explored his passion through constructing various ponds and soon expanded his services under the name Crescenta-Cañada Ponds. After gaining extensive experience across multiple trades, Dominic established So-Cal Ponds to bring a holistic and expert approach to pond and landscape design.

At So-Cal Ponds, we prioritize a natural, sustainable approach to landscaping and pond construction. Rather than merely addressing the symptoms of pond issues—which only conceals deeper problems—we focus on understanding and resolving the root causes. This philosophy ensures that we not only remedy immediate concerns but also establish a self-sustaining, balanced ecosystem. Our commitment to this method results in beautifully integrated, healthy water features and landscapes that are as enjoyable as they are enduring.


So-Cal Ponds is here to help.


10164 Tujunga Canyon Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042

(818) 541-9944

Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

CA C27# 991368

© 2023, So Cal Ponds, Inc. All Rights Reserved.