Filter February - Pond Filtration


Pond & Water Feature Maintenance

Filter February is the month we focus on everything which involves pond filtration. This includes your water pumps, UV lights, aeration pumps, skimmers, auto-fills, and of course the filters. These items are serviced and monitored on our regular maintenance program.

However, parts eventually wear out or become clogged and may need to be replaced or thoroughly cleaned. Having this additional service performed can help eliminate costly repairs, equipment from needing to be replaced, or physical damage to the liner or plumbing of the pond.

February is the month in which we will focus on everything that has to do with pond filtration. This is a great time to make sure that your equipment is working properly and is effective.

Allowing a simple component such as a pump or filter O-ring to become cracked may lead to water leaks, inefficient filtering, or possible severe damage.
We hope that "Filter February" will ensure that every pond gets the additional attention it needs and will allow us to provide you with the best service possible. This will help ensure your pond will be a healthy ecosystem come spring.

To ensure your pond filtration equipment is working properly we will address each pond filtration component.

A pond skimmer is a vital part of every pond and should be kept in good working order as they are usually the first line of filtration on a pond and unfortunately often the only means of filtration.

At this time, we will inspect for potential leaks around the faceplate and in the plumbing. Check valves located inside the skimmer may fail and need to be replaced to ensure proper flow. Skimmer nets or baskets are usually worn out by this time and could be cracked or worn. The nets or baskets should be replaced to properly contain leaf matter. Some skimmers have foam pads that may need to be replaced.

We often see an accumulation of debris at the bottom of the skimmer. If left, the debris will break down and could cause algae blooms and provide a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and parasites.

Water pumps are one of the most important components of any pond. Pond pumps are what circulate the water in the pond and are what allows the water to be filtered and oxygenated. If the water feature pump fails it will cause a chain reaction which can potentially cause harm to the entire aquatic ecosystem.

This could happen in many ways, such as the pond not being filtered, no oxygen added to the water, fish suffocating, failure to collect debris, and collapse of the beneficial bacteria colonies located throughout the ecosystem. Replacing the pumps skimmer basket or O-ring could be all that is needed.

It is always best to have your pump inspected and any small items replaced or repaired before they become a big issue which could lead to costly repairs.

A ponds' filter is without a doubt the most important component of any pond filtration. As we know, the main function of the pond filter is to trap and remove debris and sediment from the water. Even with regular weekly maintenance, a pond filter may need a little extra care. There are many style types of filtration systems ranging from filters with a few filter pads, some with sand and gravel or floating media to complex systems which may have multiply styles of filtration. Whichever style you may have it will at some point need to be taken apart and serviced.

The filter we see the most is an Ultima II filter. These filters need to be serviced at least once a year. You can read more about this filter here. The second most common filter is an Aquascape waterfall filter with two or more foam pads with gravel bags in the filter. These pads need to clean on a regular schedule and should be replaced every 12-24 months. Occasional roots will make their way into the filter by penetrating the faceplate. This can lead to heavy water loss. If you are losing water and you have this type of filter it is very possible you have a root issue and the filter may need to be replaced.

Ultraviolet lights are a common filtration unit we see installed on many ponds. This filter works by allowing water to flow over Ultraviolet light which kills off algae and can even sterilize the water. It is suggested that U.V. lamps be replaced every 14 months of continuous use and that the quartz sleeve be cleaned or replaced at this time. Occasionally, the U.V. ballast will need to be replaced to ensure optimum operation.

Aeration is a very important part of a healthy pond and is often overlooked. An aeration pump should run continuously 24/7 providing oxygen to the pond's water which aids in beneficial bacteria growth, water movement, and health of the aquatic inhabitants. Most quality air pumps have a small filter pad that should be cleaned and inspected regularly. At least once a year this pad should be replaced with a new filter pad.

Most air pumps work by either two pistons or two diaphragms working against each other to force air into the pond and through an air diffuser. After 10-12 months these components break down and need to be replaced. This is usually a simple repair and vital to ensure the aeration pump works when you need it most… the summer months.

If you are interested in having your pond filtration inspected and serviced, we suggest you call to schedule a Pond Inspection (don't forget to mention Filter February). We will visit your pond and discuss with you what will need to be cleaned, repaired, or replaced. This is also a good time to discuss the possibility of a spring clean-out.

*If you are a regular maintenance client we will be performing this service at the start of the year. If you are not a regular maintenance client and are interested in "Filter February" please call us to schedule a pond inspection.

10164 Tujunga Canyon Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042

(818) 541-9944

Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

CA C27# 991368

© 2023, So Cal Ponds, Inc. All Rights Reserved.